Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Surfer For Life

There is one thing in my life that I can say I have been deeply and truly passionate about...surfing. I have been body boarding and surfing on and off for 17 years. It never gets old, never gets boring and it has a way of cleansing the mind, body and soul. I once read a quote somewhere that said, "if everybody in the whole world surfed, there would be no war." The ocean waves offer its riders a thrill, an excitement like no other. I am an avid snowboarder and a roller coaster connoisseur...neither of these activities even come close to the sensation I get from riding a wave. Surfing is the hardest thing I have ever learned how to do, but once you conquer it, you never look back.

When Doug and I bought our house in 2004, which is 5 minutes from the main beach I always surfed at, I decided it was time to take up surfing again. Doug had never surfed before and was up for learning. He was quickly sucked in and we began surfing together every moment we could. We were also both very much on the same page about raising our future children to learn to surf. We are lovers of everything that has to do with water, therefore swimming is extremely important for our kids to learn and surfing is just a given.

In Maui, 2 years ago, we decided it was time to expose Paige & Jimmy to the wonderful world of surfing and the ocean. Paige was 2-1/2 and Jimmy was 18 months. Paige has always been fearless in the water and I knew she would take to it immediately. Jimmy is much more cautious, but I wanted to take him anyway. Maui was the perfect place to introduce them to the waves and surfing, the water is warm and the waves were small. I knew they would need to be a little older to expose them to the frigid water temperature and larger waves at home.

Paige playing in the shore break. Every time a wave took her out, she came right back for more. Look at the smile!
Jimmy having fun, but not quite as brave as big sister.

Pushing Paige into some small shore break at the house we stayed at. She loved it and could not get enough.

We tried some bigger waves too...still loving it!

This was an awesome ride! You can't see his face but he is crying the whole ride. He was not very happy about this experience.

We found a great beach called Kalama Beach Park, close to where we were staying. It had small waves to take the kids on. We rented a 10' soft top surf board. As soon as Doug walked over with it, Paige was jumping up and down with excitement. Doug and I took turns taking it out on our own to get acquainted with the board and the waves. Then it was Paige's turn! Our first wave, I had her lay down the whole time because I wanted to get a feel for going tandem. By the second wave, we were set. I popped up to my feet and when I had my balance, I leaned down and grabbed the back of her life jacket and pulled her to her feet!

Here we go!

Loving the smile on her face.

Paige taking a ride with daddy.

Here I am coming in with Jimmy. He did not want to be on the board. As soon as we paddled out, he kept saying "down".

We took the kids every morning to the beach to body board and we went 3 days in a row to surf. It was so awesome. It was my first time back in the water in a very long time too. Unfortunately, we didn't take any pictures of each other surfing. Seventeen years of surfing and I have maybe 3 pictures of myself in action or with my board. It is hard to find someone with the patience to sit and wait for you to catch a good ride!

Maui - There was fun little shore break at the house we were staying at.

Paige lived in the water just as much as I did. I sometimes truly see a mini-me in her. She always wants to be a part of whatever we are doing.

Maui - Stand up paddling is so amazing. So peaceful. And my little 2-1/2 year old daughter sat quietly at my feet enjoying the ride.

Fast forward 2 years, Paige is now 4-1/2 and Jimmy is 3-1/2. They have been in swimming lessons for a year and a half. Both of them are comfortable in the water and can actually swim. Jimmy is still cautious, but is becoming more and more confident with each exposure to the water.

A couple weekends ago, I had the itch to surf. I checked the report and found out the conditions were incoming high tide, 1ft.-2ft. Doug says, "you should take Paige with you." I begin to think this is a really good idea. The conditions are perfect to introduce her. After a little more thought, I decide to take Jimmy too. I am very lucky that my kids are very good around the water and very obedient, therefore I am comfortable taking both of them on my own. We own a 9ft. soft top surf board...so Doug gets it down for me and puts it on the car. I load up the gear and the kids and we head over to the surf shop to rent 2 small wetsuits. We left the house at 1pm. By the time we rented the suits, got the beach, unloaded the car and got all 3 of our wetsuits on, it was 2pm as we were heading to the water. It takes long enough to get myself in and out of a wetsuit...now I have to do 2 more!

Into the waves we went, body board in hand. They barely flinched at the cold water. Pushed Paige into a few shore break waves...she is loving it! Jimmy's first wave, he wipes out and tumbles under. Comes up, shocked at the cold and b-lines straight for the shore. It took me an hour to get him back in and comfortable again. By the end of our day, he was back on the board.

My little surfer babies. I love this shot.

Paige having a blast!
My mini-me.

I tried taking Paige tandem on the surfboard. It was hard. She is a lot taller and heavier than she was in Maui. We have a shorter surfboard and I am out of shape. I tried very hard to get us into a wave and I couldn't do it. She started to get a little scared, so we came in and stuck to the body boarding. My main goal was to expose them to the cold water, the power of our waves and begin teaching them to be cautious in the ocean. Always be aware of the people around you and never take your eyes off the ocean. Teaching them surfing etiquette will come later.

We had such a great time, that we packed up the whole family the next morning and did it all over again. Doug and I had a chance to take turns surfing, while one stayed back with the kids. It was great! Alyssa had a great time shoveling sand into her mouth or wandering around with her snack trap.

Alyssa loves the beach and water. I think she is my future pro-surfer. ;-)
The kids had a blast that weekend and keep asking when we can go again. They don't understand that the conditions have to be just right. Our beach can get big and strong. The shore break can be knarly and unsafe for the kids. Fortunately summer is usually pretty mellow, so there will be more opportunities to take them. I am excited to see the passion growing in them. It will be a great day when all 5 of us can be surfing together!

It was also nice having Doug at the beach that day with the telephoto lens on my camera. I have been out of the water for a long time and it was not my best wave, but he was patient enough to catch me in action!


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Paige's Quote of the Day

We were enjoying a nice day at Cull Canyon today. Out of the blue, during our picnic lunch, Paige turns to me and says, "mommy, I have decided that I don't want to marry Jimmy anymore."
I say, "Oh? Have you chosen someone new?"
Paige: "Yes, I want to marry Shayla." (that is her best friend)
I say: "Ok. Daddy and I would love to be joined as a family with the W's!

Such innocence at this age. I love it.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

My Little Climber

The first two years with Paige & Jimmy, unfortunately are a bit of a blur, so I have been recently refreshed on the heart-stopping stage of climbing. Alyssa will be 16 months old in a few days and this has been her month to figure out that she can climb up and onto almost anything. It is absolutely nerve racking to walk into a room and find her standing on a chair, the couch or the bed. I have to let her explore and learn, but it is so hard when she does not have a sense of what is dangerous yet. Although, she does start to cry and moan if she cannot get down, which is the case most of the time.

It all started a few months ago, when she learned how to climb the ladder to Paige's top bunk bed (the ladder is unhooked every morning and put up to avoid this!). This month, however, she has gone full speed ahead. And this is my baby that really doesn't have any fear.
Climbing the ladder to Paige's bed.

Exploring the counter top!

Reading mommy & daddy's Kindle.

Chairs are the favorite!

Yes, and we can't forget the toilet. She even figured out how to unfold the step stool and use it to climb up! This one is my personal favorite.

Paige & Jimmy survived this phase without any major bumps, bruises or broken bones, so I am sure Alyssa will be just fine. Of course, you realize, I had to leave her in all the above positions so I could run and grab my camera!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Field Trip to the Beach

Field trip #2 took place last Thursday and it was another great one. We were out of the house at 8:15 am to drop Alyssa off at daycare and head to school. Leila, who used to watch Paige, was able to take Alyssa as a drop in for the day. I gave her a bunch of hugs and kisses while Leila and a few toys distracted her as I slipped out the door. I had a couple tears as I drove away from the house.

We arrived at school and began preparing to board the bus. Unsure what to expect, I thought we may be riding a school bus. I was pleasantly surprised to find it was a nice Mercury Tours bus with comfy seats. Everyone boarded and we were on our way to the Pigeon Point Lighthouse in Pescadero. It was not the nicest day to be venturing to the coast. The fog was in and it was cold. Fortunately it was not very windy and the misty wet fog held off for the day. We were, however, dressed in layers with beanie hats in place.

We stopped at the picnic tables for a snack before our exploration of the grounds around the lighthouse. The kids had a great time running along the wooden paths and peering over the edge of the railing looking for seals. Before long, we were boarding the bus again to head over to San Gregorio Beach for lunch and playtime.

The bus arrived at San Gregorio Beach and even though it was overcast with fog, there was no wind, so it was actually pretty nice out. The kids were all set up at picnic tables and we sat down to enjoy a picnic lunch. As they finished up, they all ran around the picnic area playing hide and seek and tag waiting for the adults to be ready to head down to the water. When it was time, all the kids put on their swimsuits for some playtime at the beach.
Paige & her best friend ready to head to the beach.
The beautiful view from the bluff where the picnic tables are. The big clan of people is our group of kids.

I am amazed at how the kids are un-affected by the cold water. I have surfed in this cold Northern California water for 17 years and I do not step into it without a wetsuit on. Kids don't care!! There was actually a little running river that flowed out to the ocean that was perfect for the kids to run and splash in. It was only about shin deep and of course my two were some of the first in the water!
Paige & Jimmy running through the water.
There was a lot of splashing and running around by all the kids. What a blast they had. Myself and a few other parents, stayed warm and dry on the sidelines.
Paige took some time out to bury one of her friends in the sand.
Jimmy is mad because some of the other boys were not including him on their slide construction.
Once the water fun was over, all of the shivering children were wrapped up in towels and we walked back up to the picnic tables to put warm, dry clothes back on. As we waited to board the bus again for our 3rd and final destination, the kids enjoyed another snack. Very important to keep the little people well fed. This time we headed to Princeton Harbor in Half Moon Bay to enjoy some ice cream and a walk on the pier. At this point the sun began to come out!

After ice cream and walk we boarded the bus to head back to school. Jimmy was so tired he fell asleep in my arms like a baby. I relished every single minute, watching his little angel face as he snoozed. He hasn't done that in a very very long time. When we arrived back at school we unloaded, said our goodbyes and headed over to pick up Alyssa. I really began to miss her towards the end of the day. When I walked in the door, she screamed with excitement and began to cry and sob as I held her in my arms. Leila said she didn't cry all day. She must have been saving it all up.

They were all so tired when we got home. They ate dinner and were all asleep by 7:45. It was another great field trip day. I enjoyed every minute of my time with Paige & Jimmy and our friends. We will be on vacation when school does their 3rd field trip so we will miss out. However, I will very much look forward to next years field trips and Alyssa will be old enough to join us!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Me and My Camera

I have realized recently that I have a serious problem...I take way too many pictures. My kids will not be the ones who have no childhood photos. Even child #3! They will be the ones yelling at me to get the camera out of their face.

Christmas of 2009 Doug very generously bought me what I consider to be the best Christmas present ever! A Nikon D80 digital SLR camera. This camera is amazing...no delay. Seriously, this is the best thing ever. It just snaps picture after picture. Which is great for taking pics of the kids who don't hold a pose or smile for more than a half a second. And for anyone who has seen my pictures, that is how I get those awesome action shots of the kids.
Like this one of Jimmy sliding into the end of the pool!
Paige's first surfing experience in Maui!

Doug throwing the kids up in the pool!
The problem with snapping so many pictures in a row, is that at the end of any given month, I can have over 300 pictures to edit! What a painful process that is too. How do I narrow down the sequential action shot I got of Paige jumping into the swimming pool or Alyssa sliding down the enormous slide? No one wants to see 10 pictures in a row of the same thing. Ugh. Trying to pose all 3 children for a group photo. Fun. All anyone ever sees is the final shot. You know I had to edit through at least 20 pictures to get the one where all 3 of them are at least looking at the camera, let alone all smiling.

In this day and age of digital, I realized no one puts together photo albums anymore. Not like my mom has lying around the coffee table or in the cabinet where you can take them out and look through old photos. Now, you have to turn on the computer and pull up a website. Which is fine, but I find is missing something from pulling out a photo book that I can hold in my hand. So I have taken to putting together my pictures in a photo book via Kodak or Shutterfly. I "try" to do a yearly album. As of right now, only 2009 is sitting in my cabinet. 2008, 2010 and 2011 are all in the works. I love having the completed book, but it is sort of a daunting process. I learned the hard way this year, that I really do take a lot of pictures. I had October, November & December left to enter in my 2010 Shutterfly book, when I tried to add more pages and it told me I was at the max. WHAT?!?!? How am I supposed to edit this book down to fit in the last 3 months?? I tried and managed to fit it in, but felt I was sacrificing photos that I didn't want left out. After a frustrating post on Facebook, a friend responded and told me to check out Blurb.com. No max on the amount of pages. I am currently re-doing my 2010 book on Blurb. I hope it turns out nice.

The thing is, I actually love taking pictures (which is why I am hardly in them!). I am fascinated with photography and really want to take a class someday. So I will happily suffer through editing my hundreds upon hundreds of pictures now and for years to come. Because I know someday, my family will appreciate that I always had a camera in their face.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Field Trip To AT&T Park

Last year was Paige's first year at preschool and during the summer they go on 3 field trips. Because I was home with a new baby, I could not attend the field trips and I was a little uncomfortable sending my 3 year old on bus rides to San Jose or the beach with her school. Call me crazy and over protective, but my gut was telling me not to send her. Not that I don't trust her teacher's, I just felt she was too little and would never remember that I didn't let her go.

This year, I couldn't wait for the field trips, because I could go!! Alyssa is fine staying with Grandma all day. The first field trip was to AT&T Park in San Francisco. Paige & Jimmy were super excited and honestly, so was I! We gathered at school and walked to the train station. At the station everyone sat and enjoyed a snack as we waited for our train to arrive.
Enjoying our grapes while waiting for the train!
We boarded the train and rode it to San Francisco. The end of the line station is located about 2 long blocks from AT&T Park. We walked to the back of the park where there is a mini baseball field, the Barry Bonds Junior Giants Field. We enjoyed a picnic lunch and the kids got to play some baseball.
Jimmy trying to hit the ball.
Jimmy humoring me for a photo.
After some lunch and playtime at the field, we headed over to the ball park where the kids had more playtime on the big Coca Cola slides.


This is Jimmy having a full blown tantrum because the lady at the ball park wouldn't let him go down the biggest slide. He had to be 42" tall and he measured 39". I felt so bad for him.
There was also another mini ball field where the kids lined up to play baseball.
Paige running the bases after hitting the ball!! Go Paige!
Our friends. Trying to get them to take a group photo was almost impossible!
This was such a great day. I had so much fun and was smiling from ear to ear all day. I probably had just as much fun as the kids did. As much as I missed Alyssa, it was nice to spend the day with Paige & Jimmy and give them my undivided attention. Not having to worry about Alyssa's crying, diaper changes, eating schedule and napping. Just me, Paige & Jimmy having fun with each other and our friends. I know Paige & Jimmy knew this was special too...having me all to themselves. What also made it extra fun, is that two of my very good friends went on the field trip too! It was so awesome to spend this special day with them and all of our kids.
After a fun filled day at the park, we headed back to the train station, where all the kids (and adults too!) were treated to an ice cream sandwich while we waited to board our train. We had a relaxing train ride back home and then the long walk back to school.
Heading home.
We were all so exhausted when we arrived back at Grandma's house. Alyssa was overjoyed to see me, she screamed with excitement when I walked in the door. I was just as excited to see her and hold her, but the day was a long overdue break from her.

"I love you Paige & Jimmy and I am so glad to have spent this amazing day with you! I am looking forward to the next field trip in a couple of weeks!"