Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Alyssa is 18 Months

Alyssa turned 18 months old this month and constantly leaves me wondering where the time goes. Inevitably, we are now in our last phases of a baby. Bottles, cribs and diapers will soon be a thing of the past. At times it makes me very sad, but also very excited to finally be shedding all these items. We will be moving into a new phase where the kids will be super fun and much easier to tote around! (not that they aren't right now)

Alyssa is definitely holding her own in this crazy household. Constantly trying to keep up with her brother and sister and their friends. Following the big kids around, barely able to keep pace. She is my only child who has proven to be quite the climber at an early age. Climbing steps, play structures, tables and chairs and plummeting down slides, mostly without missing a beat. She has had her fair share of falls with the resulting bumps and bruises. Only a few have taken my breathe away.

Eating sand at Lake Tahoe
She is such a fun little baby. Always on the go and absolutely loves to be outside. Adventurous to the core, this one. Running, riding bikes, exploring, digging in the dirt and sand. Preferably eating the dirt and sand, I should add. She loves the beach and especially the water. Oh my god, what a fish she is. Just the sight of a pool or ocean and she is squealing and waving her arms in excitement. I have been doing mommy and me swimming lessons with her at La Petite Baleen since she was 14 months old. She took to swimming so quickly. I will be amazed to see how she progresses in the next couple of years. On our recent trip to Lake Tahoe, she just had to get her feet in the lake and ended up taking a header straight in, clothes and all. She wasn't too happy with the shock of ice cold water and refused to go in again. She was much happier in the 90 degree hot tub at the house we stayed at.

Chillin in the hot tub in Lake Tahoe
One thing is for sure, this little girl is going to keep me on my toes. She has a lovable sweetness and a devilish side too. She definitely has a feisty spirit in her and I am almost thankful she is not really talking yet.

I am looking forward to watching her grown into an amazing little girl!

Enjoying a ride in the stroller in Santa Cruz

Groovin with the iPod

Mommy and me at Santa Cruz

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