Friday, January 6, 2012


I am not a big believer in New Year's resolutions. I think most people have good intentions and maybe set unrealistic goals for themselves.

I started exercising before the holidays and have managed to keep a pretty steady routine going. For those of you who know me, you know that I am not trying to loose weight. I am, however, trying to get back in shape by building up my endurance, strength and energy. In a few short weeks, I am now able to run a mile and a half, without stopping. Pretty proud of myself, since I really hate running. I do it because it is free and I like how I feel afterwards. Also, I am trying to get back to eating a bit healthier.

After emerging out of a rough patch the past year and a half, this year, I felt a few resolutions were in order. So for 2012, my goals are:
  1. Finish my scrapbooks for the kids.
  2. Start quilting again, now that I have a new sewing machine.
  3. Complete a sprint triathalon.
  4. Surf more. (definitely!)
Check back with me in January 2013 and I will let you know how I did!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Jimmy Turns 4

Here we go again...where does the time go? How is my little man four!?!? They just keep on growing and I haven't figured out how to stop them yet.

What happened to this 6 month old baby?
Oh he is, 4 years old now.
Jimmy was very much looking forward to his special birthday activity. Since their birthdays are right after Christmas and a day apart, last year we came up with letting them pick something they want to do for their birthday. It was in the hopes each of them would feel that their birthday wasn't being overlooked because of Christmas or their sibling. I am not in favor of celebrating the half birthday. I don't know why, I am just not.

Anyway, Jimmy got up in the morning and we let him open his presents. Since ours wasn't wrapped, we told him to go take a look in the garage!

He was very excited to have discovered the big boy Spiderman bike that he had been asking for. So far he is doing a great job riding it too! For his birthday, Jimmy wanted to go to In & Out Burger for lunch and then to the "dragon slides", (a.k.a. The Daly City Party Playhouse). He also requested that our friends join us for the excursion, and since their mom was sick that day, she was happy to have them out of the house! I left Alyssa home with sick Doug because it was her nap time.

Off to In & Out for a yummy lunch!

Grilled cheese and french fries w/ketchup! Yummy!
After lunch we headed over to the Party Playhouse. Jimmy was so excited he could barely contain himself! The kids were off and running as soon as I said go! Since it was a holiday week, I did not anticipate the place would be exceptionally crowded. But despite that fact, the kids had a blast running around, climbing and sliding for 2 hours. It was very hard to get pictures of them in the large play structure, but I did manage to pin them down for a few pics.

He calls it the Dragon Slides because of the one slide that has a dragon head on the end! It isn't even his favorite slide!

The kids were pretty tired out after a big afternoon. We headed home to get ready for dinner. Jimmy's request was pasta and blueberries. If it were up to Jimmy, he would eat pasta every day of his life! We sang happy birthday over some cupcakes.

Jimmy continues to be the sweetest little man on the planet. He has a gentle and caring nature about him that just takes my breathe away when I am a witness or a recipient of his gestures. There isn't a selfish bone in his body as he is always willing to share what he has with others. Whether it be his last M&M's or a toy. He loves both of his sisters so much. He and Paige continue to have a very close bond and he is always showering Alyssa with hugs and kisses. Jimmy is continuing to thrive in preschool and has adjusted so well there. He loves swimming lessons! Now Jimmy is very very cautious when it comes to the water. He takes things at his own pace and comfort level. He has not proven to be the strongest swimmer of the 3, but he is progressing well and fortunately not afraid of the water.

While Jimmy has his sweet side, let's not forget that he is a little boy! He has a mischievous side and a temper. As much as he loves his sisters, he also loves to torment them. And watch out if you push his buttons because then his temper comes out full force.

Now while Jimmy has told me that he loves me very much, he definitely has a special bond with Daddy. While I admit that I get a little jealous of this, it is adorable how he wants to be with Daddy only on the weekends. When Daddy is around, it is near impossible to get some one on one time with him, let alone a hug.

As the years go by, I hope that Jimmy continues to be the gentle, sweet little man that he has become. Happy Birthday Jimmy! I hope you had the best birthday ever! You are the apple of my eye, my little Bug! I love you!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Paige Turns 5

The only thing I have to say about Paige turning 5 is...OMG, where did my baby go? Of course she will always be my baby, but she is just getting so big.

What happened to this 5 month old baby?!?!

That baby turned into this beautiful angel.

Paige had a great birthday this year. For her special day, we went to Children's Fairyland in Oakland. A perfect place for kids this age. Even Alyssa loved it. It was just myself and the three kids on our excursion. We arrived about 10:15 am and once inside, the kids were off exploring. We enjoyed the 11am puppet show of the Velveteen Rabbit. We checked out every inch of the park and went on all the slides and rides. Fortunately the weather held up, even though it was a little cold.

For Paige's birthday dinner, she chose Red Lobster. She loves that place (I wonder why!). It was just myself, Paige & Jimmy for dinner, because unfortunately Doug was sick. We left Alyssa home with him because eating out is much more pleasurable without a 21 month old in tow. Paige had fish, macaroni and cheese and broccoli for dinner. The best part was the staff singing happy birthday to her over an ice cream sundae!

Paige continues to amaze me every day. She is such a sweet, caring little girl. She has nothing but love for her baby brother and sister. Of course siblings fight, but she is always looking out for them both in any situation. In some instances, I am getting a glimpse into the teenage years with her (which I am not looking forward to!), but I am soaking up every moment of her needing me or wanting a hug, kiss or snuggle. She is excelling in pre-school and in swimming. She loves hula class and dancing. Come over to our house for a dance show starring Paige any time. She loves to put on dance performances in the living room.

We are on the brink of Kindergarten this year ahead and I know she is going to seem so much bigger to me once she starts school. She is looking forward to Kindergarten and seems ready and eager for the change. That first day of school is going to be much harder for me!

Happy birthday my dear Paige! I hope you had the best birthday. You are truly my little sunshine!