Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Alyssa Turns Two!!

I know...I can't believe it either. How is my baby 2 already? I say this all the time, but it feels as though time is flying by and it is getting a bit out of control. We celebrated Alyssa's big day with a trip to Fenton's Creamery for an early dinner and some yummy ice cream with friends and family.

Happy Birthday baby girl!
So yes, my baby girl is two and as I have stated in previous posts, I love age two. This is going to be a great year and I will enjoy every minute and brace myself for the hell that is age three. Alyssa is definitely proving that she is very different from her brother and sister. She has an extremely strong-willed personality. She has learned to do things a lot faster than Paige & Jimmy...like climb, ride a bike and get a chair to reach something up on the counter top! She doesn't talk much, but definitely has a way of getting her point across. Quite the goof-ball, this one loves to make me laugh.

Fun in the water fountain with big brother.

Why use a spoon?
Alyssa loves and adores her siblings, but seems to have a special connection with Jimmy. They play together a lot and she always seems to seek him out when she wants to play. Alyssa also loves to play with her best friend Izzi down the street. Izzi is 8 months older than her, but they love to play together.

Alyssa and Izzi
One of Alyssa's favorite things in the world to do is swim. Shocking, I know, that I have children that love the water. She is continuing to excel in her swimming lessons and people are always amazed at her ability a such a young age.

Alyssa jumping in the pool.
Here is a video of her jumping into the pool: Alyssa Jumping in the Pool

Dora and dogs are two of Alyssa's other favorite things. Not a day goes by that she doesn't watch one episode of Dora. Even though she doesn't talk, she manages to tell me which episodes she prefers. For her birthday she got a brand new stuffed dog named Boggs. He goes everywhere with us. It is really cute. She alse received a necklace with a doggie charm on it. I then added a Dora charm to it and she wears it almost every day now.

My favorite things.
Happy birthday my sweet baby girl! You continue to enhance my life every day. I love you so much!

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