Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Being Sick...With 3 Kids - A Guide on How to Survive the Day

Yes, today is one of those awful days that I dread...I am sick and all 3 healthy kids are home with me. The minute I woke up feeling like I had been run over by a semi, I had to take a deep breathe, get in the shower and brace myself for what the next 12 hours had in store for me.

I hate to admit, it is much easier to get through a day like this when the kids are sick too. Then I am guaranteed they will be wanting to lay around as much as I do. But that is not the case today. I was also not fortunate enough to land on a school day, when I am down one child. No no, that would be much too easy. Daddy is at work and we can't call grandma to scoop up the children and take them far far away, because then she gets contaminated too.

My tactics to get through the day include but are not limited to:

  1. TV is fair game...all day. Whatever it takes to keep kids calm and quiet. Keeping baby (who is not mobile yet!!) happy is a little easier, as she is content sitting in my lap or laying next to me in bed. She also goes down for 2 naps a day that last 2-3 hours each.
  2. Medication (for me, not the kids. Although on bad days, the thought does cross my mind...hhhmmm benadryl anyone?) and tea. "Do you drink hot beverages while holding your infant?" NO, I would never do such a thing...
  3. All nutrition goes out the window. Whatever I can fix for a meal in the least amount of time is it. Take it or leave it, kids. This could mean fish sticks and french fries, leftovers or mac n cheese. If I have the energy, I will try to cut up some apple to accompany the preservative filled meal I am serving. Lollipops? Here. Chocolate? Go for it. If it will keep you quiet and happy, I am down.
  4. Simultaneous afternoon nap is very important! This is key for getting through the remainder of the day. One child and one baby napping at the same time, other child quietly watching TV...this means I can actually go lay in my bed and sleep.
  5. Playtime in the backyard is important to expel any excess energy. The main entry to our backyard is through our bedroom. It is awesome to be able to lay down and still keep an eye on kids in the yard. If the weather is bad, then I am screwed.
Today, the kids have been quiet and relaxed. Maybe they actually comprehended the talk I had with them this morning once daddy left for work. "OK, guys, now mommy is feeling really sick today. I am going to be laying down a lot and sleeping. Let's try not to fight and try to keep things a bit quiet today. Who wants to stay in PJ's all day?!?" YEAH!

There have been other days when I have not been so lucky...

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