Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Day in the Life of 3 Kids

Many many people ask me, "how do you handle 3 kids??" I know a lot of people who only have one child and are boggled by my situation. My simple answer to this questions is, just do it! The Nike slogan describes this perfectly.

This is a full time job, which a lot of people may not understand. A full time job that is well over 40 hours a week with no monetary compensation and is probably far more exhausting than a day at a real job. Though, many stay-at-home moms, would argue that our job is far more rewarding. I somewhat agree with that, even though I found my job to be very rewarding when I was working. Maybe it was the field of work I was in, who knows.

Well, what do I do all day? I take care of my children and my house. That alone is enough to keep me busy from 7:00 am to 7:30 pm doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, playing with kids, going to parks, playgroups and play gyms. Trust me, life is not full of mani/pedi's, trips to Starbucks, shopping and casually lounging around with friends. I don't sit around all day watching soaps, Oprah or other daytime shows. If the TV is on, it is usually tuned into Nick Jr. or PBS. That of which, I can sing you the theme song to Dora, Diego, Wonder Pets, Little Einsteins, Super Why and The Fresh Beat Band. Ask me about an episode of any of those shows and I have most likely seen it multiple times.

I spend a lot of time in my kitchen...and I mean A LOT! No sooner have I cleaned up dishes, washed pots, pans and counter tops from one meal, it is just about time to start prepping for the next meal. Not to mention the numerous snacks in between meals. And in the midst of my trying to loose the last of my baby weight, I find that I eat out of boredom. I spend so much time in my kitchen that I graze constantly throughout the day.

Now I can spare you the detailed time line of a typical day for me. And trust me, I am good at time lines having planned weddings for 3 years. If you are ever curious, I welcome you to walk a day in my shoes. I love my children, but am always up for a day to myself!

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