Friday, November 19, 2010

Paige's Quote of the Day

Tonight was Ooey Gooey Night at Paige's school (details about that some other time). I picked her up at 5pm and the event doesn't start until 6pm, so I had to kill some time. Since Alyssa had a rough day with no nap, I never got to eat lunch. I am pretty hungry at this point and decide it would be a good idea to stop at McDonald's for a quick snack. French fries and a soda. I head to the drive thru.

Now my kids are not allowed to eat McDonald's. They have the rest of their lives to make poor eating choices and I am not going to start them off at 2 & 3 years old. Fortunately it was already dark out and they would not be able to clearly see what I had in the front seat. As I pull up to the drive-thru, both kids are asking, "mommy what are you doing?" "Mommy what are you getting?" "Oh, I am just a little thirsty, so I am going to get a soda." They both know they cannot have soda, so my response doesn't phase them.

At the drive-thru, I order discretely, "I would like a small Dr. Pepper and a medium fry." Note, I did not say "french fries" or "fries". They would have caught onto that, especially my french fry monster named Jimmy, who resides right behind me in the car.

I pull up to the pay window and pay and move forward to the pick-up window. The girl hands me my soda first and then the small bag, which I quickly whisk away from her and into the safety of my lap. Within 5 seconds of those warm french fries entering the car, Paige, who is sitting in the 3rd row of the van, says, "ooohhh, mommy, your soda sure smells good!"

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