Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Enjoying the Moments

Most days it seems as though life is just whizzing by. I wake up each morning and go about my daily routine with the kids, then I blink and it is 3:00 pm. What?! Not to mention how fast a year goes by now. Paige is turning 4 this year and Jimmy 3. Seriously? Time is going by too quickly and it is making them grow faster...I want it to stop!

Due to this phenomenon of time moving at a much faster pace than when I was a kid, I am really trying to enjoy the moments with them. Sometimes I get caught up in cooking, laundry, cleaning, managing rental properties, Facebooking, Blogging and emailing, that I don't stop and actually play with the kids. I need to do more of this, and today, that is what I did. I feel much more relaxed and I laugh a lot more when I realize the laundry can wait, or I can put off dinner for another half hour.

I am silly with my kids. I would like to say that is why my kids are so silly, they lead by example. Maybe because I still feel like a kid and maybe because my kids bring out the kid in me. Today, I was sitting on the floor playing with Alyssa in the living room, relishing in her new found ability to sit up and how she seems to lean into my face for a kiss. Paige and Jimmy were drumming up some imaginary adventure in the hallway outside Alyssa's room. I could here them whispering to each other and I slowly started crawling towards the hallway opening. They couldn't see me yet and didn't hear me coming. On all fours, I started to crawl loudly by banging my hands and knees on the floor and began to turn the corner with some speed. They both screamed at the top of their lungs, then laughed and fled into Alyssa's room. I stopped dead in my tracks and put my head down...I was laughing so hard at their reaction. I scared the crap out of them, but they thought it was hilarious. Jimmy says, "mommy you really scared me." Huge grin on his face. "Do it again mama, come get us!"

Life is moving along and it is so important to find and enjoy these little moments everyday.

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